HYNET employs a range of cutting-edge technologies to address the complexity of managing hybrid AC/DC energy networks. Key technologies include:
Operational Tools for Power Dispatch and Voltage Control
Grid-Forming Control Algorithms
Advanced algorithms support stable integration of renewable energy sources by allowing converters to control voltage and frequency, enhancing grid stability.
Protection Mechanisms
Novel protection strategies are developed for hybrid AC/DC grids to detect and isolate faults, especially given the bidirectional power flow and the challenges of managing DC fault currents.
Smart Transformers and Converters
Smart transformers and interlink converters provide flexible power management, allowing AC and DC grids to interconnect and operate efficiently under different conditions.
Security and Reliability Assessment Tools
Probabilistic and Monte Carlo-based simulation tools assess reliability, resilience, and security, enabling hybrid grids to maintain stability even during contingencies.
Multi-Energy Modeling for Investment Planning
Hynet enhances multi-energy modeling to consider interactions between electricity, hydrogen, and gas systems, supporting long-term planning for an integrated energy infrastructure across Europe.